Health and Productivity Management


Health and Productivity Management

President's message

Since 1960, Shigeru has continued to deepen and explore its manufacturing capabilities. Currently, we are also developing technologies looking towards the future. To continuously provide values the market demands, we believe that the viewpoint of well-being is essential.

We will actively work on Health and Productivity Management (H&PM) to bring well-being to everyone connected with us.

We will also contribute to the realization of a sustainable society through H&PM.

We will create a workplace where each one of our employees can be motivated and work energetically.

Atsuo Shoda

Health-conscious Management Declaration

We will promote health and prevent illness of each employee, and create a workplace where all employees can work safely and securely.

At the Shigeru Group, we set the group mission: “Create spaces that bring joy and happiness through manufacturing,” and the sustainable vision: “Be a company that recycles resources, uses renewable energy, and ensures that everyone can experience well-being.”

To fulfill this mission and vision, we hereby declare that we comply with Industrial Safety and Health Act and promote H&PM initiatives.

Promotion organization

Our president serves as the Chief Health Management Officer, and the H&PM Division takes the lead in improving the health of employees, in collaboration with the industrial physician and health insurance association.

Strategy Map

Indicators for Health and Productivity Management

2022 2023 Target
Regular health checkup rate 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
The rate of employees with abnormal findings from regular health checkup 52.1% 58.1% 50% or less
Detailed examination rate after abnormal findings 35.3% 43.3% 50% or more
Health checkup results Proper weight maintenance rate 61.9% 59.6% 65% or more
Smoking rate 36.9% 39.5% 30% or less
Exercise habit rate 35.8% 28.5% 40% or more
Rate of enough rest through sleep 66.4% 61.7% 75% or more
Habitual drinker rate 10.6% 15.3% 10% or less
Stress check Attendance rate 100.0% 99.8% 100%
High stress rate 19.1% 19.0% 15% or less
Rate of consultation with industrial physician for those who wish 100.0% 100.0% 100%
2023 2024 Target
Work engagement 2.3 points 2.3 points 3 points or more
Presenteeism - 23.5% 20% or less
Absenteeism - 91.5 points 95 points or more
  • ※Work engagement: Calculated from the Brief Job Stress Questionnaire 80 Items (2023: 1,099 employees responded, response rate 99.8%; 2024: 1,175 employees responded, response rate 98.7%)
  • ※Presenteeism: SPQ (Single-Item Presenteeism Questionnaire) scale; calculated from the questionnaire for all employees (2024: 1,175 employees responded, response rate 98.7%)
  • ※Absenteeism: Absence from work and lateness/early departure in the past month were surveyed by selecting a range of days, and these are calculated by adding up the totals (0 to 100 points). (2024: 1,175 employees responded, response rate 98.7%)
2022 2023
Average overtime hours 21.5 hours 20.7 hours
Average number of paid leave taken 12.2 days 12.4 days
Average years of continuous employment (or turnover rate) 11.5 years 11.4 years

Main Initiatives

Preventive measures against lifestyle diseases

Regular health checkup and follow-up
After regular health checkup, we explain the need for a detailed examination to employees with abnormal findings and encourage them to be re-examined. We post information on how to read the results of health checkup on our internal corporate portal site, and raise awareness that the health checkup is not the end and what is important is after that.
Specific health guidance
We provide specific health guidance to employees aged 35 and over, in collaboration with the health insurance association.
Measures against smoking
We implement a smoking cessation challenge program, working with the health insurance association.Since fiscal year 2024, we have offered online smoking cessation outpatient consultation and free prescription drugs.
Participation in health promotion events
We create opportunities for exercise and encourage employees to make exercise a habit by participating in walking events organized by the health insurance association and the G-WALK organized by Gunma Prefecture. (FY2023: 88 employees participated, FY2024: 84 employees participated)
Health seminars
To raise employee health awareness, we hold seminars on various topics led by external experts and industrial health nurses.

Mental health measures

Stress check
We conduct stress check every year. After the check, we hold a group analysis results briefing, and external experts provide feedback to employees.
For those with high stress levels, we arrange a consultation with our industrial physicians according to employee’s wish, and provide care at an early stage.
Mental health trainings
We provide self-care and line-care trainings to help prevent and detect mental disorders early.
(Self-care training for FY2023: 198 employees participated, FY2024: 290 employees participated)
(Line-care training for FY2023: 113 employees participated)
Return-to-work support system
We actively support return-to-work employees who have taken leave due to mental health problems.
We have established systems to support their return-to-work, such as creating return-to-work plans and using a rehabilitation work system.
After return, we use the rehabilitation work system and support their smooth recovery.
Consultation desk
In collaboration with industrial health nurses and physicians, we provide an environment where employees can consult with them at any time.

Women's health promotion

Women's health seminars
We hold seminars on women's health to improve health literacy regarding health issues specific to women. There are no restrictions on who can attend. These seminars are open to all employees.
(FY2023: 160 employees participated)
Female-specific cancers
Collaborating with the health insurance association, we implement a subsidy system for cancer screening (breast cancer and uterine cancer).

Measures to control long working hours

Follow-up for employees working long hours
We keep track of employees’ monthly overtime hours and conduct health surveys on those who exceed our company standard.
Based on the survey results, we arrange a consultation with industrial health nurses and physicians.
Promotion of no overtime days
We have no overtime day on Wednesdays and Fridays as a work-life balance initiative.

Safety and prevention

Workplace safety
We promote safety and health activities based on the Industrial Safety and Health Act, Industrial Safety and Health Regulations and our company rules.
We hold a safety and health committee meeting every month at each plant, which is important to promote our Health and Productivity Management.
Measures against heat stroke
In summer, we measure wet bulb globe temperature (WBGT), offer a discount on bottled drink of vending machines, prepare ice to cool down, and install water servers in each workplace.
We also hold heat stroke prevention classes led by our industrial health nurses.
Encouragement of influenza vaccination
To prevent infection within the company, we implement mass vaccination and provide a vaccination subsidy to employees.

FY2024 Certified KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organization

Shigeru was recognized under “the Certified KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program” by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry and the Nippon Kenko Kaigi*, as “the 2024 Certified KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organization (under the large enterprise category)”.

「“KENKO Investment for Health Outstanding Organizations Recognition Program” is a program that highlights outstanding large enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises that are implementing KENKO Investment for Health.